Why are there is so many terms like SR, MR, CR, XL, etc., for the same sustained release medications? Is there regulatory reasons?
La réponse :
MR (modified Release) is the general term for all the drug delivery systems that are deviating from the conventional release pattern, these include all the preparations known as SR, CR, XL. SR (Sustained Release) are those which sustain the release of drug for a specified time period or region of administration these include delivery systems that generally tries to mimics zero order but follows pseudo first order and also those which sustain the delivery in Gastric environment. XL (Extended Release) is delivery systems that extend the release rate of drug for longer period of time without or with generating constant plasma level and follows pseudo first order release mechanism. CR (Controlled Release) are ideal in achieving constant plasma level for longer period of time as these follow zero order kinetic model. So are so many factors that actually correlates with each other so these are mistakenly used in the same manner and also regulatory agencies do not have any of such definition that separates them apart.